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Umfrage zur ethischen Entscheidungsfindung in der Physiotherapie

In dieser Umfrage der Inter-University Graz wird untersucht, inwieweit die Ansicht von Physiotherapeuten in Bezug auf verschiedene Faktoren in der ethischen Entscheidungsfindung eine Rolle spielen, um künftigen Berufsethikunterricht praxisnäher zu gestalten.

Die Umfrage richtet sich in englischer Sprache an Physiotherapeutinnen und Physiotherapeuten weltweit und dauert circa 15 Minuten. Hier kommen weitere Infos dazu:

Professional ethical decision-making by physical therapists is playing an important role in all areas of practice. Addressing specific issues relies on knowing what factors are influencing this process and how best to support the teaching of ethical decision-making of physical therapists.
I am a physical therapist and PhD student from Austria conducting a study to understand the view of physical therapists (physiotherapists)
on factors in ethical decision-making internationally.

The results of the study will help the physical therapy profession worldwide to provide relevant support and education for physical therapists. The results will be published for the use of all physical therapy associations and education institutions.

The study is a 15 min online survey. To reach physical therapists worldwide, I am kindly asking for your support. Could you please take part in the study and share the link to the survey with your network? This could be a post or a Tweet in social media or sharing the link in a newsletter between now and October 2019.

These are the links to

•    the survey web page https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NDY96M5
•    the survey on facebook https://www.facebook.com/Views-of-Physical-Therapists-on-Factors-in-Ethical-Decision-Making-1317403931723778/
•    the survey on twitter https://twitter.com/AndreaSturmPT/status/1049178567869943808

Survey participation is voluntary and anonymous. The study has ethical approval from the University of Vienna. More information is available in the survey introduction.

Ms. Andrea Sturm, PT, Doctorate-Student, Education Sciences, Inter-University Graz, Austria